The :rstudio version of CartoLab-Docker contains a number of base packages for mapping in R.

See the /rstudio/environment.r.yml file for the list of packages available in the R-env.

name: r_env
  - conda-forge
  - r-base
  - r-caret
  - r-crayon
  - r-dplyr
  - r-devtools
  - r-e1071
  - r-forecast
  - r-ggplot2
  - r-hexbin
  - r-htmltools
  - r-htmlwidgets
  - r-irkernel
  - r-maps
  - r-mapdata
  - r-tmap 
  - r-nycflights13
  - r-randomforest
  - r-rcurl
  - r-rcolorbrewer
  - r-rmarkdown
  - r-rodbc
  - r-rsqlite
  - r-stringr
  - r-shiny
  - r-tidymodels
  - r-tidyverse
  - unixodbc
  - jupyter_client