Python packages¶
All versions of CartoLab-Docker contain a worker_env
with a number of base packages for mapping in Python.
See the environment_default.yml
file for the list of packages available in the worker_env
name: worker_env
- conda-forge
- defaults
- python
- pip
- adjusttext
- bokeh
- contextily
- colorcet
- esda
- geoviews-core
- holoviews
- ipywidgets
- ipyleaflet
- datashader
- dask>=0.17.1,<2025.1.0
- descartes
- geoalchemy2
- geopandas
- geopy
- hvplot
- flopy
- ipython-sql
- numpy
- mapclassify
- matplotlib-venn
- matplotlib-scalebar
- memory_profiler
- mmh3
- pyarrow
- pyepsg
- psycopg2
- python-dotenv
- rasterio
- seaborn
- shapely
- tagmaps
- xarray
- pip:
- python-hll2