Docker Container Setup

Container setup

Carto-Lab Docker is a Docker-project, that starts an instance of JupyterLab. It comes with a python environment (worker_env) that contains the most important packages for Python Open Source Cartography.

The container is compatible with rawdb and hlldb databases from the LBSN-Structure.


Carto-Lab Docker on Windows requires Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). If you cannot use WSL, an alternative is to run Carto-Lab Docker on a virtual machine (VM) and connect to it (e.g.) via SSH-Tunnel.

The current version of Carto-Lab docker is based on Jupyter Lab 4.x.


We aim for compatibility of all included geo-packages by pinning specific versions, but once in a while new releases may require updates to these pinnings in environment_default.yml. It is recommended to use the tested docker images available in our registry, if the current Dockerfile has build issues. See Docker Images & Tags below on how to reference a specific version tag.


To start the docker container locally:

git clone
cd jupyterlab
cp .env.example .env
# optionally: adjust parameters in .env
docker network create lbsn-network
docker compose pull && docker compose up -d

Then open http://localhost:8888 and use the password (default: eX4mP13p455w0Rd) to use Jupyter.

By default, notebooks will be made available inside the docker from your $HOME/notebooks folder.


Container versions

The container is versioned and tagged, as a means to support different use cases.

There are four tags:

:mapnik and rstudio are images that extend: :latest. If you want to use Mapnik, use the mapnik image. If you want to use R, use the rstudio image. All images include the default Python worker_env.

Carto-Lab Docker Images are versioned, so you can pull any specific version (recommended!), e.g.:


By default, the version tag should be edited in your .env file, not the docker-compose.yml.

Mapnik uses ./mapnik/Dockerfile, to extend the standard container with Mapnik. It is installed to the system-python installation, not conda. Refer to Mapnik with explicit python-reference, e.g. /usr/bin/python3 -c "import mapnik;print(mapnik.__file__)" and verify the verson with mapnik-config -v.

Container start

Copy .env.example and edit default values.

To start the docker container use:

docker compose up -d

and then open http://localhost:8888/ in your browser.

If you did not provide a password in .env, get the token from the Docker logs to login:

docker compose logs | grep "?token=" | tail -n 2