
Carto-Lab Docker is a container that runs a JupyterLab server, with two prepared Python and R environments for cartographic visualization.

Working with JupyterLab, virtual environments, and a set of Python cartographic package dependencies can be daunting. Carto-Lab Docker aims to make life easier for beginners and intermediate users who want to start using JupyterLab and Python cartographic packages.

Carto-Lab Docker helps with the following tasks:

Carto-Lab Docker is aimed at researchers and practitioners who value transparency, reproducibility, and reusability by using, developing and sharing open source code for visual analysis and mapping tasks.


Packages Summary Graphic


The two default environments provided in CartoLab-Docker for Python and R are for convenience only and do not claim to be complete. See this documentation for several ways to extend the environments or create your own.

The default Python environment currently includes the following major packages:

The default R environment currently includes the following major packages:

Carto-Lab Docker also includes Mapnik, the renderer.

These packages can be expanded as needed. We offer several starter guides for different visual analytics tasks.


Carto-Lab Docker is research software and is maintained infrequently, when there is time or specific need.